Saturday, November 29, 2008

What makes me happy

It was nice, in the midst of this very busy holiday season, to have my daughter and her boyfriend come to the studio for some portraits.
It made me very happy to see them together. They are just so natural, its like they have been together forever. I guess in a way, they have been. Friends since 6th grade. They just belong to each's very sweet.
Now maybe I can get one of these printed and placed in the picture frame thats been sitting on my shelf empty since we moved in 4 months ago.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy...and Loving it!!!

It has definitly been a busy week...and its not over yet. I thought I would share a bit from yesterdays sessions....and then prepare myself for the eight that I have today! Its an exciting time of year, and I love how excited the kids get when they come to the studio and see the lights, the trees and santa suit. I am still enjoying Senior Portraits, which as I said before, is a much later season than Im used to, but its great. Im thankful for the success of the studio. I will admit that I was a bit nervous with changing location and changing the name. However, I am still seeing my friends and clients from Poland, Little Falls, Mohawk, Booneville, Remsen, Holland Patent, Syracuse, Rochester, Herkimer and even North Carolina. But the exciting part is seeing new faces from Rome and Oneida. That makes me happy....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

NRD Pittsburgh - Niagara Falls, NY

Once again, I had the honor of photographing the NRD Pittsburgh awards banquet, this year held in Niagara Falls, NY. Needless to say, it was much closer than last years in West Virginia. This is a night I really enjoy. Seeing the men in their Dress Blues and the women dressed in their formal gowns..its like a prom for grown-ups! It was a great time meeting new people, and seeing many that I remembered from last years event. The accomodations were awesome and I have to admit, that taking my husband along as hired help was a great idea. An evening in Niagara Falls is a great perk! I am already looking forward to next years event. A huge thank you for inviting me!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Senior Portrait Season coming to an end...

Although I still have several sessions coming up, for the most part the season is coming to an end. I really enjoy this season, and am very happy that being located in Rome, I can enjoy it well into november. I thought I would share part of a session with a very beautiful young lady, who in frame after frame looked stunning. I am just glad that I am not the parents having to choose a yearbook photo.....Enjoy

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tis the Season...

It is definitly Christmas time at Captivations Photography Studio. It truly is my favorite time of year. More than anything, I love photographing Children. I like to get them being, well, them! This last photo session we were lucky enough to have Santa lend us his coat! It was very exciting for this little girl. She new that he had to have it back in time for Christmas Eve....and she promised to be very careful with it. She was alot of fun and very easy to capture.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Birthday

Yes, Im 40. For an enitre year I have been hearing from my children how I am turning 40, that I had to stop and think if I was actually turning 40 or 41. It's been a long year....but a good one.

This past year I have, had alot of fun, made new friends, remained a successful photographer, traveled a little, moved my family, moved my studio, found old friends, missed old friends, got a business partner, realized how much I needed a business partner, took steps to be financially stable, took steps to be emotionally stable, sent my daughter to college, watched my daughter fall in love, got a new phone number and chased a chipmunk out of my kitchen. Yes, its been a great year.

Since the studio is such a large part of my daily life...and honestly, so many funny things happen throughout various sessions, that I wanted to be able to share them with everyone.

Our front door to the studio states..."Real Photography for Real People". Thats what we are. Nothing fancy, no dress code...just come and relax and enjoy.