First of all, He is 8. Second, he is a boy. With that being said, that is the only explanation I have for the following story.
Saturday evening he came to me complaining that his ear was bothering him. He has never suffered from ear aches or ear infections so this was something new I thought I would have to deal with. Remembering what my mom and dad used to always say, I asked him "do you think you have a potato in your ear?" His response to me was....."No, its a foam sticker".
"Ummm, how did a foam sticker get in your ear" I asked.
"It fell in" was his response.
"So", I continued "A foam sticker rolled up in a ball and fell in your ear?"
"Yes" was his simple reply.
This lead to me grabbing a flashlight to check the ear to see if I could see it. And yes, there it was. A rolled up foam sticker, right there within reach. It had a little "end" to it and it was very close to the edge, so I thought that I could grab it with my little tweezers. When I returned from the bathroom, he looked at those tweezers as if I was holding a machete!!! I soothingly explained that I was just going to simply pluck it from his ear. Piece of cake.....
So, now its sunday morning and we are at the emergency room having this foam sticker removed from his ear. It was quick and painless. The dr was very thorough and checked the ear again to see if there was any damage. "Hmmm, there is something else in there, and it looks like a small bead." Looking at my son, the Dr. asked Loren how the bead got into his ear. "It fell in" was his simple response.
So, wednesday afternoon we are at a wonderful Ear, nose and throat dr,...Dr. Chaffee (I think thats how it is spelled) Wonderful wonderful Dr. He looked at the bead and determined that it did not fall in his ear on the same day. Considering the location and the fact that it was now embedded close to his ear drum, it must have fallen in a long, long, long time ago. Too dangerous to remove in the office.....
Which brings us to tomorrow morning at 6am where I will be at St Elizabeths Medical Center to have a bead surgically removed from my sons ear under general anesthesia.
Loren is doing fine, he is mainly concerned that he will not be able to eat breakfast.
I just wanted to share this story with all of you so those waiting for galleries, I will get to them. I will return phone calls, and I will once again return to the office, as long as nothing else falls into my sons ears.
By the way, I am writing this as I am waiting for the Bluff/Johnson gallery to upload to the website, so I am making good use of my time.
Have a great night!